Age Appropriate Aging Body Acceptance Dressing Joyfully Wise Words

50 in 50 – Postcards From the Edge of Middle Age

A woman in black jacket and blue pants holding purse.


I have written about personal style and aging before, but it recently hit me hard. This Wednesday marks the day I am officially 50 weeks away from turning 50 years old. I’ll be 50 in 50. I’m excited and a little anxious, but determined to greet this milestone with pride, joy and peace. I went kicking and screaming into my 40’s and want things to be different this time. Instead of getting older, I’m thinking of this birthday as “levelling up”. It’s a privilege to get here. Hell yeah, I’m going to celebrate!

5 Postcards From the Edge of 50

  • It sounds cliché, but I feel comfortable in my own skin. Can I get a “Hallelujah!”? It’s a feeling I’ve longed for since FOREVER, and I am finally there…most days anyway.
  • I easily connect with children and seniors as well as my peers. I have friends of all ages and life feels richer because of that. It’s fun to be me.
  • My sense of identity has never been stronger. I lost a piece of myself after my son was born, but I’m back with a more powerful sense of purpose and self.
  • I still don’t feel like a grown-up. Will I ever? Do you?
  • Might as well embrace aging. Seriously, what is the alternative? NOTE: To embrace aging doesn’t mean I’m ready to stop colouring my hair and start wearing pastels. It does say I am learning to see my laugh lines as a souvenir of a life well lived and I’ll soon be shopping for funky reading glasses. <Squee!>

50 in 50

To keep me in this positive state of mind, I’ll be celebrating all year long. I am compiling a list of things I want to do before the big day. Small goals as well as lofty goals. Some items on the list I have done before and want to do more of. Others I have never done before and turning a half-century seems like a damn fine reason to do it.

On my list, I have included travel, connecting with old friends, meeting some virtual friends in person, dancing (!), taking an improv class with my son, remarrying my husband and reuniting with my sister. I’m going to start a journal as my friend, writer and writing instructor Taslim Jaffer recommends. I am also learning to eat for vitality from my friend Marnie Grey of Glow Away. I’m looking for more suggestions and would love for you to send them my way.

A woman standing in front of a wall wearing black.


I hope you’ll follow my 50 in 50 journey. Whether you’re honouring or lamenting YOUR 50th trip around the sun, let’s inspire, commiserate and cheer one another on towards a healthy, stylish and joyful middle age and beyond.






A woman standing in front of a wall.

Let’s hang out on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest.


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  • Sela
    January 12, 2018 at 8:53 am

    You look great and you don’t look 50. 50 is the new 30. I enjoyed you post and I like the tone that you delivered. You are doing a great job and thanks for sharing.

    • Dee Clarke
      January 12, 2018 at 9:11 am

      Thank you for your kind words. I definitely don’t feel the way I thought 50 was going to feel. Yay!

  • Zoey McNeville
    January 12, 2018 at 8:19 pm

    50 never looked so good!. I love that concept of 50 in 50 weeks. It’s funny because I feel less and less like an adult the older I get!.

    Dancing is definitely a must!. I will be Subscribing to follow this 50 in 50 journey!. I can’t wait to wish you a happy birthday!. (Happy belated)❤️

    • Dee Clarke
      January 13, 2018 at 11:22 am

      Thanks, Zoey. In many ways, I feel younger too (except for when I have to read any fine print. haha!) I think as we begin to feel more comfortable in our skin, we become less inhibited which is one of the joys of childhood.

  • Elise @ Belle Meets World blog
    January 13, 2018 at 12:22 pm

    Dee I love this! My favorite thing you said was to start seeing your laugh lines as a souvenir of a life well lived. Amen to that. Great blog and so glad I’ve found you!

    • Dee Clarke
      January 13, 2018 at 9:39 pm

      Aw! Thank you, Elise. It’s nice to find others who are like-minded. Aging is not for sissies. Finding friends to cheer us on is comforting and encouraging. 🙂

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