Body Acceptance Dressing Joyfully Personal Style Plus Size style

8 Examples of Ageless, Size-less Style to Inspire You

Blog Feb 15 Ageless

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Have you ever heard someone say, “wow, you look great for your age!”or perhaps something like, “She looks really good for a big woman”? The intention of the compliment may be positive, but it is a backhanded compliment, nevertheless. How about simply, “you look great!”?

A few weeks ago, I met an 82 year old woman who looked polished, stylish and current. She didn’t look like she was trying to be trendy or trying to look younger than she is. Her clothes weren’t designer labels. She was just simply and smartly dressed. I was quite taken by her charisma and her self-presentation. She has a strong sense of who she is and a well-developed style. Thinking back, I know this woman has a personal style that is ageless.

Gina Lollobrigida, Actress – “Love – the best cosmetics.”

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We can all look good for exactly who we are, not just look good for our size or look good for our age. Style is ageless and size-less. In fact, style is all about representing yourself by thoughtfully dressing in things you feel good in. Dress your self with intention. Why not bring yourself joy in the pursuit of dressing? Why not indulge in The Joy of Style?

Mimi Weddell, Actress/Model

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Iris Apfel, Business Woman and Fashion Icon - “Fashion you can buy, but style you possess.”

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Carmen Dell’Orefice, Model/Actress - “I’m not giving in to anyone else’s idea of how I ought to feel and look at 70”.

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Assa Cisse, Canadian Blogger

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Ashley Graham, plus size model – “It doesn’t matter if you’re a size 2 or 22, you can be healthy as long as you’re taking care of your body, working out, and telling yourself ‘I love you’ instead of taking in the negativity of beauty standards.”

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Nicolette Mason, Blogger

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Allison Teng, Blogger

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Young or young-at-heart. Size 2 or 22. We can help you reach your style-potential. Contact The Joy of Style today.

Mara Arnold

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    October 21, 2017 at 8:23 pm

    Ageless Style is not about looking younger, it s about looking fabulous, no matter what you re age.

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